Tag Archives: Alarm

Few words, fewer thoughts



It’s a love triangle, on my terrace, in a hot summer night of April. Me, my pillow and the sleeping mat.


“You are such a diluted thinker.” As I was adding the soda in whiskey, my glass whispered.


The skeleton of my closet is out after all. The skeleton of the lizard that died months ago, in the corner of the closet door.


“I die every day, little by little, so all of you can live.” My power bank’s angry voice nudged all my mobiles and tablets.


“Tu jahan jahan chalega, mera saaya saath ho ga.” My umbrella was humming to me.


“Stop! You are killing me.” Sleep screams out at the alarm. “I’m sorry, somebody set me up.” Alarm answers back.”


“Hey, no water, it’s empty.” Mars snapped back at earth. “I drank it all.”
